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Using iELVis with Python

Page history last edited by David Groppe 5 years, 5 months ago

We've put together a couple of in-progress examples of ways of plotting electrode locations on a brain surface using iELVis data that have been organized according to BIDS-iEEG conventions. If you can improve on these methods, we'd be delighted to add your code to iELVis. Just contact us via the iELVis discussion group.


Both methods rely on Pysurfer as it used to read the FreeSurfer files (e.g. lh.pial). You can download and get more information about Pysurfer from here:




1) This script just uses Pysurfer:



and produces plots that look like this:



2) This example notebook uses Plotly in addition to Pysurfer:

?? Need to add


and produces plots that look like this:

?? Need to add


You can download Plotly here:




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